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Q-Signals For Amateur Radio Operators

QRA What is the name of your station? The name of my station is ___.  
QRB How far are you from my station? I am ____ km from you station  
QRD Where are you bound and where are you coming from? I am bound ___ from ___.  
QRG Will you tell me my exact frequency? Your exact frequency is ___ kHz.  
QRH Does my frequency vary? Your frequency varies.  
QRI How is the tone of my transmission? The tone of your transmission is ___ (1-Good, 2-Variable, 3-Bad.)  
QRJ Are you receiving me badly? I cannot receive you, your signal is too weak.  
QRK What is the intelligibility of my signals? The intelligibility of your signals is ___ (1-Bad, 2-Poor, 3-Fair, 4-Good, 5-Excellent.)  
QRL Are you busy? I am busy, please do not interfere  
QRM Is my transmission being interfered with? Your transmission is being interfered with ___ (1-Nil, 2- Slightly, 3-Moderately, 4-Severly, 5-Extremely.)  
QRN Are you troubled by static? I am troubled by static ___ (1-5 as under QRM.)  
QRO Shall I increase power? Increase power.  
QRP Shall I decrease power? Decrease power.  
QRQ Shall I send faster? Send faster (___ WPM.)  
QRR Are you ready for automatic operation? I am ready for automatic operation. Send at ___ WPM.  
QRS Shall I send more slowly? Send more slowly (___ WPM.)  
QRT Shall I stop sending? Stop sending.  
QRU Have you anything for me? I have nothing for you.  
QRV Are you ready? I am ready.  
QRW Shall I inform ___ that you are calling? Please inform ___ that I am calling.  
QRX When will you call me again? I will call you again at ___ hours.  
QRY What is my turn? Your turn is numbered ___.  
QRZ Who is calling me? You are being called by ___.  
QSA What is the strength of my signals? The strength of your signals is ___ (1-Scarcely perceptible, 2-Weak, 3-Fairly Good, 4-Good, 5-Very Good.)  
QSB Are my signals fading? Your signals are fading.  
QSD Is my keying defective? Your keying is defective.  
QSG Shall I send ___ messages at a time? Send ___ messages at a time.  
QSJ What is the charge to be collected per word to ___ including your international telegraph charge? The charge to be collected per word is ___ including my international telegraph charge.  
QSK Can you hear me between you signals and if so can I break in on your transmission? I can hear you between my signals, break in on my transmission.  
QSL Can you acknowledge receipt? I am acknowledging receipt.  
QSM Shall I repeate the last message which I sent you? Repeat the last message.  
QSN Did you hear me on ___ kHz? I did hear you on ___ kHz.  
QSO Can you communicate with ___ direct or by relay? I can communicate with ___ direct (or by relay through ___.)  
QSP Will you relay to ___? I will relay to ___.  
QSQ Have you a doctor on board? (or is ___ on board?) I have a doctor on board (or ___ is on board.)  
QSU Shall I send or reply on this frequency? Send a series of Vs on this frequency.  
QSV Shall I send a series of Vs on this frequency? Send a series of Vs on this frequency.  
QSW Will you send on this frequency? I am going to send on this frequency.  
QSY Shall I change to another frequency? Change to another frequency.  
QSZ Shall I send each word or group more than once? Send each word or group twice (or ___ times.)  
QTA Shall I cancel message number ___? Cancel message number ___.  
QTB Do you agree with my counting of words? I do not agree with your counting of words. I will repeat the first letter or digit of each word or group.  
QTC How many messages have you to send? I have ___ messages for you.  
QTE What is my true bearing from you? Your true bearing from me is ___ degrees.  
QTG Will you send two dashes of 10 seconds each followed by your call sign? I am going to send two dashes of 10 seconds each followed by my call sign.  
QTH What is your location? My location is ___.  
QTI What is your true track? My true track is ___ degrees.  
QTJ What is your speed? My speed is ___ km/h.  
QTL What is your true heading? My true heading is ___ degrees.  
QTN At what time did you depart from ___? I departed from ___ at ___ hours.  
QTO Have you left dock (or port)? I have left dock (or port).  
QTP Are you going to enter dock (or port)? I am goin gto enter dock (or port.)  
QTQ Can you communicate with my station by meains of the International Code of Signals? I am going to communicate with your staion by means of the International Code of Signals.  
QTR What is the correct time? The time is ___.  
QTS Will you send your call sign for ___ minutes so that your frequency can be measured? I will send my call sign for ___ minutes so that my frequency may be measured.  
QTU What are the hours during which your station is open? My station is open from ___ hours to ___ hours.  
QTV Shall I stand guard for you on the frequency of ___ kHz? Stand guard for me on the frequency of ___ kHz.  
QTX Will you keep your station open for further communication with me? I will keep my station open for further communication with you.  
QUA Have you news of ___? I have news of ___.  
QUB Can you give me information concering visibility, height of cluds, direction and velocity of ground wind at ___? Here is the information you requested...  
QUC What is the number of the last message you received from me? The number of the last message I received from you is ___.  
QUD Have you received the urgency signal sent by ___? I have received the urgency signal sent by ___.  
QUF Have you received the distress signal sent by ___? I have received the distress signal sent by ___.  
QUG Will you be forced to land? I am forced to land immediately.  
QUH Will you give me the present barometric pressure? The present barometric pressure is ___ (units).  

Note: The Q signals can take the form of a question when followed by a question mark.

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